Fly fishing for Yellow fish in South Africa – All you need to know and how to {The Full DVD film}

Including: First exclusive telemetry results from the scientists, Exclusive Spawn and migration footage, All you need to know to catch Smallmouth Yellowfish, Introduction to conservation of Smallscale Yellowfish by Gordon O’ Brien, Dean Impson on Whitefish and Sawfin, Introduction by Pierre de Villiers, Underwater Footage of Whitefish, Sawfin, Clanwilliam and Smallmouth Yellowfish. Thanks for Watching Joe’s Camera! Please Subscribe to our channel “Joe’s Camera” and remember to hit the notification bell to be notified of our latest exciting uploads. Produced by #yellowfishflyfishing#yellowfish#yellowfishflies#yellowfishorangeriver#vaalriveryellowfishflyfishing#orangeriverflyfishing#orangeriveryellowfish#orangeriverfishing#smallmouthyellowfish#smallmouthyellowfisflies#flyfishingyellowfishsouthafrica#joescamera#fishingdiaries#wagnbietjie#wagnbietjieflyfishing

Bokspruit, Pastoral Beats

The Bokspruit rises at an altitude of 2 800 metres on the Drakensberg escarpment. As it drops down from the escarpment the gradient lessens, the river gains in volume and depth, becomes slower flowing and is not quite as exquisitely clear as the upper and source water. In places the…

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Authentic Fishing Experiences

About Fly Dot Fish

Flydotfish is the vision and dream of master fly angler and fly tyer, Henkie Altena. A passionate pursuit of remote fisheries back up by a solid team of authentic, salt-of-the-earth guides who setup comfortable camps paired with excellent home cooked meals are the characteristic traits of any Flydotfish fishing safari.

Catching tigers on fly and art lure in the Okavango has been the signature fishing trip of Flydotfish and is complemented through the year with the Saltwater fly fishing clinic offered at Witsands on the Garden Route allowing fly fishermen to attempt the Garden Route Grand Slam – catching and releasing Grunter, Garrick and Kob on fly in one trip!

Flydotfish also offers an outstanding guided fly fishing experience for smallmouth yellowfish in the Klein Karoo on the Gourits River at Vaalhoek – a remote and pristine region offering good numbers of yellows, smallmouth bass and carp on fly.
